SALON LUITPOLD | MSC & FoKS | Podiumsdiskussion

17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

Podiumsdiskussion der Bayerischen Wissenschaftsallianz für Friedens-, Konflikt-, und Sicherheitsforschung

Mit Carlo Masala/Unibw, Katrin Kinzelbach/FAU, Max Smeets/Virtual Routes und Branka Panic/AI for Peace. Moderiert von Stephan Stetter

Pushing the Frontiers: Assessing Opportunities and Risks of new digital Technologies for War and Peace

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new digital technologies are transforming the global defense and security environment. We are faced with new challenges but also with novel chances for peace. This expert panel discusses some of the most burning questions:
How do new forms of cybercrime threaten national and international security? How can states prepare and protect themselves using digital technologies?

What is the potential of AI to sustain, restore and enhance national and international peace?

As the US and China enter a “rush for gold” to use digital technologies to enhance national defense and security, is Europe falling behind instead of catching up? (How) could we join forces instead of drifting apart?”

• Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala
Professor for International Politics at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. He is director at Metis Institute for Strategy and Foresight, director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies, project leader of the Center of Crisis Early Warning and Co-host of the Podcast “Sicherheitshalber”.

• Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach
Professor of Human Rights Politics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg. Principal Investigator of a research project on the digital documentation of human rights violations and former member of the Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding.

• Dr. Max Smeets
Co-Director of the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative and Incubator and serves as Managing Editor of Binding Hook. He also holds research positions at ETH Zurich, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation. He is author of Ransom War: How Cyber Crime Became a Threat to National Security and No Shortcuts: Why States Struggle to Develop a Military Cyber Force.

• Branka Panic
Founder of AI for Peace, a San Francisco based think tank working at the intersection of artificial intelligence, peace, human security, democracy, human rights, and humanitarian action. She is author of the book “AI for Peace”.

• Moderation: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter
Professor for International Politics and Conflict Studies at Universität der Bundeswehr München.


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